Insured and Bonded - Lic # CAC1819645

ProTemp Mechanical is always available to help you keep your AC unit in tip-top condition. With regular air conditioner maintenance, you can extend your AC’s life, avoid breakdowns, and maximize its efficiency. Get to know more about our AC maintenance services below to understand how you can benefit from them.

Stay Proactive with Preventive AC Maintenance

We provide a full range of air conditioner maintenance services to ensure that your AC is running smoothly at all times. We know how frustrating it is to experience problems with your HVAC systems, more so if these happen during the summer. So to avoid going through such stress, we can help develop a maintenance plan for your AC system.

ProTemp Mechanical can conduct regular maintenance tune-ups for air conditioners to check for any problems and perform routine procedures. Here are the main air conditioner maintenance services you can expect to get in our checkup:

  • Inspect ductwork, freon pressure, electrical connections, and overall system
  • Replace or clean dirty and clogged air filters
  • Calibrate the thermostat
  • Clean the condenser coil
  • Flush out the drain line
  • Sanitize the air ducts
  • Clean dirty exterior AC unit that reduces air flow

Proper AC maintenance ultimately allows you to save money by maximizing your energy efficiency, reducing the likelihood of repairs, and prolonging your AC’s lifespan. But more than all of these benefits, you can keep your home safe and free from pollutants by maintaining clean and healthy indoor air quality.


Why Get AC Maintenance?

Even if you do not see any pressing issues with your system right now, it is still important to schedule your regular tune-ups to prevent problems from arising. Some issues may not be visible to the naked eye, or ear, and if they are left unaddressed for a while, over time they can quickly become bigger and costly repairs. If these are left unaddressed for a while, they can quickly turn bigger and require more costly repairs.

So, how often should you schedule air conditioner maintenance with our team? Generally, the rule of thumb is to do this at least once a year, usually in the spring to prepare for the summer. However, if possible, our technicians highly suggest servicing your AC professionally twice a year, during the fall and spring, for extra measure.

Though you may not use your system as often in the colder months, dirt and debris may still accumulate around the unit. Thus, scheduling a tune-up in the fall gives you the reassurance that your AC is always in its best condition. Air conditioners are significant investments, so we want to help you maximize them. With regular maintenance, it will be possible to keep your unit for as long as 10 years—or even more.

Why Choose Us for AC Maintenance?

As a leading air conditioning company, ProTemp Mechanical is ready to deliver high-quality services at a fair affordable price. Our main goal is to help our customers become as comfortable as possible in their homes, so we go above and beyond to provide the best solutions for your needs. By trusting us to be your contractor, this is what we can promise to deliver:

  • Reliable and licensed HVAC professionals
  • High-quality maintenance equipment
  • Affordable rates
  • Best value for money
  • Guaranteed customer satisfaction

Areas Served

If you need a go-to contractor for your air conditioner maintenance needs, ProTemp Mechanical is ready to serve you at any time. Feel free to give us a call if you are from any of these areas:

  • Naples
  • North Naples
  • Vineyards
  • Golden Gate
  • Bonita Springs
  • Estero
  • Fort Myers
  • Cape Coral

We know how much of a hassle it is to have your AC break down at the height of the summer in Florida. Thus, our maintenance services are here to reassure you that your unit will always be in tiptop condition, ready to run whenever you need it.

Call Our Technicians for an AC Maintenance Service Checkup

ProTemp Mechanical is your trusted and reliable contractor for all your HVAC needs. With our air conditioner maintenance, repair, and installation services, we guarantee efficiency, speed, and quality in our work. Call us today at 239-287-6755 for any questions or concerns.